Sunday, March 29, 2009

3 Steps to a Healthy, Peaceful, & Allergy Free Spring

Step 1: Cultivate spaciousness of home, body, and mind
A.Spring Cleaning: Spring cleaning is about much more then having a clutter free home. Removing waste, fixing what is broken, and giving away things we no longer use is a crucial part of making room for the physical and emotional growth that accompanies spring. During the month of April, pick a few neglected household chores and get them done. In May when yang is full in bloom, you will be free to spend as much time as possible outdoors enjoying the glory of spring.
B.Clear the Passageways of the Nose, Sinuses, and Colon
Neti Pot: nasal irigation is a personal hygiene practice in which the nasal cavity is washed with saline to flush out excess mucus and debris while moistening the mucus membranes of the nose and sinuses. It has been practised in India for centuries as one of the disciplines of yoga. Clinical testing has shown that this practice is safe and beneficial for treating chronic sinus symptoms; chronic sinusitis, hay-fever, asthma, nasal polyposis and rhinitis of pregnancy. Regular use of a neti pot helps prevent sinus infections and greatly reduces the need for antibiotics and conticosteroids.
Lemon Water:Begin each day was a tall glad of luke warm water witha twist of lemon.Lemon is an antiseptic that prevents bacterial infection and helps clear away intestinal debris. Lemon juice is also an alcalizing agent meaning that it decreases systemic acidity thereby alleviating inflammation as well as heartburn, bloating. and belching. Drinking lemon juice regularly also aids the efficient elimination of waste by controlling constipation and diarrhea.
C:Quiet The Mind with Mindful Breathing: The breath circulates the qi and mindful breathing is beneficial in treating a range of stress related disorders, relieves symptoms of asthma and allergies, and reducing signs of oxidative stress. Just as cleaning out one's closet makes room for useful items and clearing the lungs and bowels helps with the intake of nutrition, quieting the mind helps rid you of unhelpful behavioral patterns and makes room for self growth and transfurmation.

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