Monday, January 26, 2009

What do Barack Obama and the Chinese new year have in common?

They are both oxes!

Today begins the Chinese Year of the Ox. This year is marked by prosperity through fortitude, hard work, and patience.,/span>

Our new president, born August 4, 1961, was born under the influence of an Ox year as well.

This powerful sign is a born leader: dependable, calm, and modest. People born under the influence of the Ox are kind, logical, positive, and have their feet firmly planted on the ground. Oxes posses unswerving patience, are tireless in their work, and endure hardship without complaint. These people enjoy helping others and work methodically, and intelligently.

We all have the spirit of the Ox within us this year. This steadfast endurance, tempered by patience and self reflection, will bring us many blessings and guide us through whatever difficulties may lie ahead.

Embrace your inner Ox this year and may all the delights of the New Year be yours!

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